the secret to overcoming self limiting beliefs

How to Go From Paycheck to Independence & Financial Freedom

No boss, no commute, no more requests for PTO or vacation days - it can seem like a far off wish or dream.

Choosing what you work on, with whom you choose to work with, on your own schedule - sounds hard to believe, when you're in the confines of a corporate or traditional 9-5 'job.'

The reality of your personal freedom isn't as far off as you may think.

A myriad of excuses typically come up that can temporarily hold you back from taking the step to explore what's possible for you.

From concerns about time constraints to fears of failure, self-imposed roadblocks can derail you before you get started.

The following lays out the secrets to confront these excuses head-on and unlock the true potential that lies within you.

At the heart of you being free, lies the need to believe in yourself combined with the power of calculated risk-taking.

Far too often, we allow our subconscious self-limiting beliefs to hold us back, convincing ourselves that our comfort zone is a safer place.

But the truth is, growth and transformation rarely occur in the comfort of our familiar surroundings or in our 'comfort zone.'

I always say that once you get out of your comfort zone, you realize how uncomfortable it really was.

By embracing the unknown and stepping out of our well-worn paths, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.

The following are some of the most common self limiting beliefs that typically come up, along with truths that can help counter these false beliefs.

1. "I don't have enough time to start a side hustle or business because of my full-time job and personal commitments."

The counter to this is clear: "I can make time for my side hustle by better managing my schedule, prioritizing tasks, and reducing time spent on unproductive activities."

The key is to break free from the concept that we are bound by the constraints of a 24-hour day. With smart planning and commitment to our desired life, we will carve out the necessary time to nurture our entrepreneurial dreams.

2. "I'm afraid that my business idea might not work out, and I'll end up losing money or facing embarrassment."

The truth is, failure isn't failure unless you quit.

The counter to this false belief is, "Starting anything new is a learning opportunity. By starting small and learning from my mistakes, I can minimize risk and grow my new income streams over time."

The path to success is never a straight line. It's paved with lessons learned from our missteps.

By reframing failure and mistakes to 'lessons', we can build the resilience and adaptability required to thrive as entrepreneurs.

3. "I prefer the stability and predictability of a regular paycheck from my employer."

This is true only because it is familiar.

The counter argument highlights the rewards of entrepreneurship: "While a regular paycheck provides stability, starting my own business offers the potential for greater financial rewards, flexibility, and personal fulfillment."

As we confront this excuse, we must also acknowledge the subconscious fear of the unknown that often underlies our desire for stability.

Take steps to create a support network of other entrepreneurs and mentors. You'll find the courage to step over the uncertainty and reap the benefits of being our own boss.

4. "I don't have the money to invest in starting my own business or side hustle."

The counter to this one is clear: "I can start with the resources I have, and as my business grows, I can explore funding options like loans, grants, or investors - IF needed."

Many successful solopreneurs or one-person-business owners are making much more than they would have made as an employee, with extremely low start-up costs.

You can get started without a website and start generating income as a solopreneur fairly quickly.

Adding a website and ancillary tools or systems can come as you're ready to dedicate more time and expand your efforts. See how easy you can get started here.

You don't need a big investment to cultivate and create a new income stream.

The key is to just get started and build momentum, rather than waiting for the perfect financial conditions to align.

You don't need a war chest of cash to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

5. "I don't have the necessary skills or knowledge to start and run my own business."

The counter is empowering: "I can take the skills that I have and turn them into profit for myself. I can acquire any additional skills and knowledge through online courses, books, mentors, and hands-on experience."

Don't discount everything you know and have accomplished. You simply need to know 10% more than the next person you're wanting to help solve a problem you've already learned how to solve.

Take your expertise and monetize it.

Surround yourself with a supportive network of experienced entrepreneurs, mentors, and industry experts. This can be done online, in entrepreneurial groups and 1:1 coaching.

By learning from those who've walked the path before us, we can fast track our growth and success.

6. "I don't have a good business idea or I'm not sure if my idea is viable."

The counter to this limiting belief is: "I am open to explore what I'm good at and what I'd like to do in a side hustle or one-person business. I can test and refine my business ideas before fully committing."

If you use the excuse that you don't have a viable business idea worth pursuing, it can prevent you from even getting started.

If you approach new income generation ideation with an open and curious mind, you can explore ideas with a sense of wonderment.

By doing some initial market research and fleshing out your ideas, you can overcome this mental block.

You might be surprised at the promising opportunities you uncover.

7. "I don't want the added responsibility and stress that comes with running my own business or side hustle."

The counter to this thinking highlights the benefits: "Running my own business or creating a new income stream will come with challenges, but it's like learning any new skill. The added freedom to determine my path, income and how I work is worth it."

By shifting the way you look at the transition to new income or a new business endeavor, you come out stronger and more resilient.

8. "I'll start my business or side hustle when the timing is better, like when I have more experience or when my personal life is more settled."

The counter to this limiting belief is straightforward: "There may never be a perfect time to start, but by taking action now, I can begin building my business or new income stream for a better future."

To understand this excuse, we have to acknowledge how our subconscious programming can influence what we see as possible for ourselves.

Fear and self-doubt can be justified as you thinking you're using commonsense, when in reality you're cutting yourself short.

By taking steps to get started and surrounding ourselves with a supportive network of peers and mentors, we can find the courage to take the first step, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.

9. "I'm not sure if I have what it takes to be successful independently, as an entrepreneur or a business owner."

The counter to this limiting belief is self empowerment: "By creating a new vision for myself and taking consistent steps toward it, I can be successful and grow my confidence as an entrepreneur."

Self-doubt is a common experience for most new solopreneurs and at times for even the most successful of entrepreneurs.

By acknowledging these thoughts and emotions, we can thank them and then let them go.

This also highlights once again, the importance of a strong network and mentors who can be supportive when you need it.

Our ego strives to keep us 'safe' and is not concerned with our personal or professional growth.

By acknowledging our self limiting beliefs, we can unleash our entrepreneurial spirit and take steps toward the future we envision.

The time to act is now. Seize the moment today and start the journey toward your independence and freedom.

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Until next time,


Be You and Be Free