integrate your shadow & transform your life

How to Get What You Want With Less Effort

What things in life do you strive for, but you seem to hit an invisible wall when you try to attain or achieve them?

It's like there's a hidden force working against you, sabotaging your efforts just when success seems within reach.

It could be in the areas of money, career, health, or relationships.

Something pulls you back into familiar, repetitive patterns.

But what if there's a part of you working behind the scenes that you can't see, sabotaging your efforts and keeping you from realizing your goals?

What if the real obstacles are hidden beliefs in your own subconscious mind?

We all have a hidden aspect of our psyche known as the shadow - or subconscious mind.

Understanding its influence and ensuring that it's fueling our endeavors versus sabotaging them is crucial to our personal and professional success.

How is your shadow or subconscious mind programmed?

Your subconscious mind is primarily programmed through repetition, emotional experiences, and beliefs formed during childhood.

These beliefs were often ingrained before we had the conscious ability to evaluate and discern whether we wanted the belief or not.

These are common ways our shadow forms:

1. Childhood experiences: Many core beliefs are formed during early childhood based on interactions with parents, caregivers, and the environment.

2. Repetition: Frequent exposure to ideas, whether through personal experiences or external sources like media, can ingrain beliefs in our subconscious.

3. Emotional events: Highly emotional experiences, especially traumatic ones, can create lasting imprints on the subconscious mind.

4. Cultural and societal influences: Societal norms, cultural values, and collective beliefs can shape our subconscious programming.

5. Self-talk: Our internal dialogue and the way we speak to ourselves reinforces subconscious beliefs.

Without conscious thought and examination of our shadow and the subconscious beliefs we hold, we can strive for all the things we think and say that we want - but will fall short of achieving or attaining them.

The good news is, you can replace the disempowering beliefs in your subconscious mind with more empowering beliefs.

I've done this myself.

Through professional training I received to become a Certified Professional Coach, as well as through independent shadow work, I've been able to identify and reprogram my own subconscious and have done the work to integrate my shadow.

How can you tell where your shadow or subconscious mind might be getting in the way?

Look at any key areas in your life where you experience difficulty or challenges.

Where do you see unsuccessful or unhealthy repetitive patterns whether with money, career, relationships, or any important area of your life?


The impact of the shadow on our financial lives can be particularly frustrating.

Many people want financial abundance, yet find themselves stuck in cycles of debt, unable to increase their income, or spending everything they make shackled by their core limiting belief around people who have wealth.

Your shadow might contain limiting beliefs about money, such as "rich people are greedy" or "money doesn't grow on trees."

These unconscious beliefs can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors like overspending, avoiding financial planning, or turning down lucrative opportunities.


Consider the aspiring entrepreneur who dreams of building a successful business.

On the surface, you may work tirelessly, network and develop your skills. However, your shadow might harbor deep-seated fears of success, unworthiness, or a belief that wealth is inherently corrupt.

These unconscious beliefs can manifest as procrastination, missed opportunities, or self-doubt, which in turn blocks your entrepreneurial success.

Career Success

Career advancement is another common area where the shadow can get in the way.

You may consciously think you want a promotion and work hard to achieve it, but if your shadow holds beliefs about you not deserving success or has doubts about your ability to handle increased responsibility, it can unconsciously undermine your efforts.

This can manifest as missing important deadlines, subtly sabotaging your own work, or having a reluctance to take on challenging projects that could showcase your abilities.

To achieve the success and fulfillment we desire, it's essential to take steps to address our shadow or subconscious beliefs.

This process, known as shadow work, brings the hidden aspects of ourselves into our consciousness and allows us to replace limiting beliefs with more empowering beliefs.

Through shadow work, you become consciously aware of hidden beliefs that are blocking your success.

Once you become aware and do the work, you can unlock your full potential and create the life you truly want.

I've put together everything I've done and learned about how to integrate our shadow and reprogram our subconscious mind here.

Doing shadow work leads to greater self-awareness, achievement of the things that matter to you, and the freedom to live life more on your own terms.

Take the first step to integrate your shadow – your future self will thank you.

Until next time,


Be You and Be Free