Is It Time for a Personal Reset?

5 simple steps to reset your life

It seems like we’re experiencing life like drinking water from a fire hose sometimes.

It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of world events, daily responsibilities, digital distractions, and societal expectations. We can find ourselves running on autopilot, disconnected from our true selves, and just going through the motions of life.

I experienced this myself recently. I realized I’d not taken ‘vacation’ time since leaving my last corporate role in 2016.

While it’s great to like what you do - we all need a break. So I took a long overdue few days to reflect and recharge.

It reminded me how important it is that we take time to reset so we can re-evaluate life and how we are living it.

The Speed of Life

Our modern lifestyle is characterized by constant connectivity, information overload, and the pressure to always be "on."

While technology has brought many benefits to our lives, it has also contributed to a sense of perpetual connectedness and accessibility. We rush from one task to another, infrequently pausing to reflect on whether our actions are at a healthy pace, and whether they align with our values and long-term goals.

Reconnecting with Ourselves

Taking time to reconnect with our inner selves is not a luxury—it's a necessity. By stepping back from our daily routine, we can:

1. Reassess our priorities

2. Ensure we’re prioritizing what truly matters to us

3. Realign our actions with our values

4. Rediscover or stay aligned with our passions and purpose

This process of reconnection allows us to invest our time and energy more wisely, focusing on activities and relationships that bring genuine fulfillment.

The Nervous System Balance

Understanding the interplay between our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is key to maintaining balance in our lives.

- The sympathetic nervous system activates our "fight or flight" response, helpful in times of stress but detrimental when we're always 'on.'

- The parasympathetic nervous system promotes "rest and digest," allowing us to relax, recover, and regenerate.

In our high-stress environments, many of us spend too much time in phases of sympathetic dominance.

Consciously doing things to activate the parasympathetic system through practices like deep breathing, breathwork, meditation, and taking time to get out in nature, can help restore balance and promote overall well-being. *See my invitation at the end :-)

The Benefits of Resetting

Taking time to reset and realign with what's most important to us yields profound benefits:

1. Inner Peace: By clarifying our priorities and letting go of unnecessary stressors, we can cultivate a sense of inner calm.

2. Joy: Reconnecting with simple things that bring us joy can help us keep passion and purpose in our daily lives.

3. Freedom: Breaking free from societal expectations and aligning with our true selves brings a liberating sense of authenticity.

4. Improved Relationships: When we're more centered and self-aware, we can engage in more meaningfully ways with ourself and others.

5. Enhanced Productivity: Paradoxically, taking time to slow down and reset can lead to greater efficiency and effectiveness in whatever we’re doing.

I ironically heard about the book Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang that includes a Foreword by Arianna Huffington, right as I was planning to step away for a few days. It's a great and important book. Rest ironically shows how we get more done when we work less.

“We need tools to help us push back against the culture of burnout and overwork. Rest is one of those tools.” --Arianna Huffington (from the Foreword)

What are the Practical Steps for a Reset?

1. Schedule regular "timeout" periods for yourself for reflection and self-assessment

2. Practice mindfulness or meditation to cultivate present-moment awareness

3. Engage in activities and experiences that activate the parasympathetic nervous system

4. Make a point to review and adjust your goals and priorities to stay in balance

5. Limit your exposure to digital distractions and create tech-free zones in your life

One of the tools and skills that I use on a regular basis is Breathwork Detox. It's an amazing practice of diaphragmatic breathing to a playlist of music while laying down.

I became a certified breathwork facilitator as a personal passion, after leaving my last corporate role. I experienced the powerful effects of the breath that are unattainable - other than through plant medicine.

I host both in-person and virtual life changing Breathwork Detox Adventure Sessions online. I would love if you’d join me for an upcoming event and give it a try. I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

A Wrap-Up and an Invitation

In a world that seems to be spinning ever faster, the ability to pause, reset, and realign is more important than ever.

By consciously creating space to reconnect with ourselves and what truly matters, we can navigate life with greater purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

So ask yourself: Is it time for your reset? Go here to get this straight into your inbox each week.

Until next time,


Be You and Be Free

p.s. Your Invite is for a Virtual Breathwork Detox Adventure in a couple of weeks! Go here and reserve your spot - and you can bring a friend for free!