
What's Love Got To Do with It?

The connection between self-love and financial abundance may not be immediately apparent, but the two are deeply intertwined.

Your bank account, salary as an employee, and income as an entrepreneur or solopreneur, are directly tied to the degree of self-love you have for yourself and what you feel you deserve.

Our beliefs about ourselves and our worth play a significant role in determining what we feel we deserve in all areas of life, including our finances.

"Your net worth can fluctuate, but your self-worth should only appreciate." - Unknown

By embracing the power of self-love and addressing limiting beliefs in our subconscious mind, we open the door to manifest greater abundance and financial success.

Consider the lottery winner paradox. Despite the windfall of their lotto winnings, many lottery winners struggle to hold on to the cash. Deeply ingrained beliefs about money and self-worth are often the cause.

If an individual subconsciously believes they are undeserving of wealth or that money is scarce, winning the lottery does nothing to address those limiting beliefs.

This is also apparent when you see someone sabotage their own career or their startup business. The actions taken were driven by their subconscious belief system.

We walk through the most common limiting beliefs around money and how to overcome them below.

A healthy sense of self-love is essential to manifest abundance in all areas of life, including your finances.

When we have a deep sense of self-worth, we create a solid foundation for financial success and abundance.

You can read more on how to embrace your worth in a recent article I published: You Are Enough.

Many of our beliefs about money and abundance are formed in childhood and stored in our subconscious mind.

These beliefs can be influenced by our family's financial situation, societal messages, and personal experiences.

To manifest abundance, it's crucial that we identify, challenge, and replace these limiting beliefs.

I've listed 12 of the most common limiting beliefs about money that can prevent you from achieving financial wealth, abundance, and pursuing your goals, below:

1. Scarcity mindset: The belief that there is not enough money or resources to go around, leading to a fear of taking risks or investing in personal growth.

2. Money is the root of all evil: The belief that money corrupts people or that wealthy individuals are inherently bad, leading to a subconscious aversion to financial success.

3. I don't deserve wealth: Low self-esteem or feelings of unworthiness can make individuals believe they don't deserve financial abundance, hindering their ability to pursue opportunities.

4. Money is not spiritual or aligned with God: The belief that focusing on financial gain is at odds with spiritual or personal growth, causing individuals to limit or not pursue their financial potential.

5. I'm not good with money: The belief that one lacks financial skills or knowledge, leading to avoidance of financial planning and decision-making.

6. Wealthy people are greedy: The stereotypical belief that all wealthy individuals are selfish and greedy, leading to a negative association with financial success.

7. Money can't buy happiness: While true to an extent, this belief can be used as an excuse to avoid pursuing financial goals or creating a fulfilling life.

8. I'll never be wealthy: A self-limiting belief that one's current financial situation will never change, leading to a lack of motivation or effort toward financial growth.

9. Success requires sacrifices: The belief that achieving financial success requires giving up on personal relationships, health, or happiness, leading to a reluctance to pursue ambitious goals.

10. It's too late for me: The belief that one has missed their chance to achieve financial success due to their age, background, or past mistakes, leads to a lack of action towards goals.

11. Money is limited: The idea that there is a finite amount of money available and that one person's gain is another's loss, fosters a competitive rather than abundant mindset.

12. If I become wealthy, my relationships will suffer: This belief often stems from the fear that financial success will change the dynamics of relationships, leading to jealousy, resentment, or unrealistic expectations from loved ones.

How many of these beliefs did you relate with? I've dealt with many of those myself.

These limiting beliefs can significantly impact your financial decisions, career and entrepreneurial choices, and overall satisfaction with life.

By recognizing and challenging these beliefs, you can create a more empowering money mindset that supports your goals and desires.

Use the following to adjust your mindset and replace any limiting beliefs you have around money.

1. Scarcity mindset → Abundance mindset: Embrace the belief that there are more than enough opportunities and resources available for everyone.

Accept and recognize that another person's success does not diminish your own potential.

2. Money is the root of all evil → Money is a tool for good: Understand that money itself is neutral and can be used to create positive change.

Focus on using financial resources to support personal growth, help others, and contribute to worthy causes.

3. I don't deserve wealth → I am worthy of abundance: Recognize that everyone, including you, deserves to live a prosperous life.

Work on building self-worth and self-love, and affirm that you are capable and deserving of financial success.

4. Money is not spiritual or aligned with God → Financial abundance supports personal growth: Acknowledge that financial stability can provide the freedom and resources to pursue spiritual growth, self-discovery, and service to others.

Money, God and spirituality can coexist harmoniously.

5. I'm not good with money → I am capable of learning and improving my financial skills: Embrace a growth mindset and seek out education and resources to improve your financial knowledge.

Recognize that financial skills can be learned and developed over time like anything else.

6. Wealthy people are greedy → Wealth provides opportunities to make a positive impact: Understand that generosity and compassion are not determined by financial status.

Many wealthy individuals use their resources to create positive change and support others.

7. Money can't buy happiness → Money is a tool to create a fulfilling life: Recognize that while money itself may not guarantee happiness, it can provide access to experiences, resources, and opportunities that contribute to a sense of fulfillment and joy.

8. I'll never be wealthy → I have the power to transform my financial future: Embrace the belief that your financial situation can change through consistent effort, smart decisions, and a willingness to learn and grow.

Focus on progress rather than perfection.

9. Success requires sacrifices → Success is achievable through balance and intentional living: Understand that true success encompasses all aspects of life, including relationships, health, and personal fulfillment.

Prioritize balance and make intentional choices that align with your values.

10. It's too late for me → It's never too late to start creating the life I want: Recognize that personal growth and financial success can be achieved at any age or stage of life.

Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning and focus on taking action towards your goals, regardless of past experiences.

11. Money is limited → Opportunities for financial growth are abundant: Adopt a mindset of collaboration and value creation, recognizing that wealth can be generated through innovation, problem-solving, and serving others.

Focus on expanding the pie rather than competing for a limited slice.

12. If I become wealthy, my relationships will suffer → My financial success can positively impact my relationships and inspire others: True friends and supportive family members will celebrate your success and be happy for your achievements.

Your financial growth can inspire others to pursue their goals, develop a positive money mindset and take control of their financial future.

By reframing these limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs, you can set an example of how to shift your mindset and take actionable steps towards achieving financial wealth, abundance, and pursuing your dreams.

Challenging and reframing limiting beliefs is an ongoing process. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the small victories along the way.

Surround yourself with supportive individuals, seek out mentors, and continue to educate yourself on personal finance and personal development.

Embrace the journey of growth and remember that every step you take towards a more positive money mindset is a step closer to achieving your financial goals and living a life of abundance.

I share how I created and optimized a personal LinkedIn Services Page and generated over $750,000 here and you can too.

For more inspiration to live authentically and do work you love get the: Transition to Work You Love Guide

Until next time,
