the power of '80'

What's YOUR Number?

We all have a number - we just don’t know exactly what it is.

In preparation for the launch of my podcast ‘and then I did this’ I interviewed Jodi Wellman, author of 4,000 Mondays. That also happens to be the name of her company.

With the average life expectancy being 80 years, we have the potential to experience roughly 4,000 Mondays in our lifetime.

Pausing to look at our lives from the context of where we’re at, and the time we have left, is powerful. It brings into present tense the fragility and finality of life.

We all face our mortality eventually.

What ISN’T final - is what we do between the beginning of our life's story and the period or exclamation point at the end.

I plan to finish with an exclamation mark.

Here’s where the power of the numbers come in.

When you consider your current age, in contrast to 80 circles on a sheet of paper - where are you?

Have you ‘done’ all those important things you think ‘someday I’ll….’ write the book, visit Bali, climb Kilimanjaro - whatever those things are for you.

Life is fleeting.

Staying anywhere - doing anything that doesn’t fuel your soul, is not healthy.

Jodi’s comparable question is - in this lifetime we have 4,000 Mondays - if we’re lucky or fortunate. How do we want to spend them?

Starting each week in a place or a role we dislike? Or investing our time and energy into something that fuels our soul.

The choice is ours.

We many times make excuses - some valid and legitimate - others not so much.

But for every excuse there’s a solution.

Here's a real eye opening example.

At one point when I was living in New York City, I desperately wanted to move back to the west coast.

I had told myself a story so many times about ‘why’ I wouldn’t be able to do it - that I’d made that story my “truth.”

When in reality - it was an excuse that I simply needed to give myself permission to find solutions to or a way around.

My ‘story’ was that I wouldn’t be able to make as much money in a ‘job’ on the west coast as I was making in NYC. The reality is - that was a story and not what happened in the end.

Fortunately, I was talking with a coach and lamenting sadly about not being able to make this transition.

Her words stopped me in my tracks.

She said, ‘is that the truth? Or a story you’re telling yourself?’

Following that conversation, I literally got in action immediately following that meeting.

I was open to the realization that my words and ‘story’ had become the barrier between me living life where and how I wanted to live it.

Within 3 weeks, I’d taken steps to secure a new role with people I knew from previous work I’d done, and was moved to San Diego.

I vividly remember the day of my move flight to southern California.

My flight landed.

I got a rental car and drove to the location of my new office.

I’d made arrangements to meet and see a potential new residence that day - which wound up being the one I moved into.

Next - a drive to the beach.

I remember walking out on the sand with my bare feet - the sun shining on my face as the ocean waves rolled up on the shore.

I realized the power of my beliefs poignantly in that moment.

Had I continued to hold onto the belief that ‘I’ll never be able to make on the west coast what I make in NYC,’ I’d have stayed in NYC well beyond my expiration date.

Where are you doing that in your life?

What excuses or ‘reasons’ are you “believing” you can’t do something?

You know in your heart that it’s time - but the fear of the unknown keeps you stuck.

I’m here to encourage you to step out in belief and faith.

You just need to commit and take the first step.

All the answers don’t need to be clearly defined for every step in front of you.

I always say that God, our Creator - whatever your belief system, gives us enough light for one day to see where we’re going, and takes it away so that we rest until the next day.

The next day we get more light to carry on our path to whatever destination we're heading toward.

Stay true to yourself.

Hold onto those passions, people and experiences that make you come alive.

And for goodness sake - if you are past your expiration date with whatever you're doing for work or to make a living - do something about it.

What will you do with this one precious life?

Until next time,


p.s. for a step-by-step guide to how I've independently generated just under $1M since leaving my corporate role using LinkedIn - go here.

p.p.s. For more inspiration to pursue your personal freedom and work on your terms, see me on You Can Be Free Now on YouTube.

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Break Free From Your 9-5 & Live Your Happiest Life Now : Brand & Startup Advisor : Podcast Producer : Former NYC Ad Agency ExecBreak Free From Your 9-5 & Live Your Happiest Life Now : Brand & Startup Advisor : Podcast Producer : Former NYC Ad Agency Exec