What 'Programs' are Running Your Life?

how do you replace the old programs?

A hard truth to swallow:

We live our lives with the programming we inherited growing up.

  • What we believe about 'making money'.

  • The 'roles' we believe we can "play" in the work world.

  • Our beliefs around men...our beliefs around women...(or the whole gender paradigm)

...the programming is deep...and goes on and on across every facet of our lives.

"Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place." - Paulo Coelho

How did I start to break free from societal and subconscious programming?

I began waking up in 2007 and from there....it's been a continuous journey in pursuit of freedom, truth and independent thinking.

From growing up in rural Minnesota - to a subway commute to my office in Times Square every day - to living today near Laguna Beach in southern California....it's been a journey and a process.

  • 2007 I started questioning everything I thought was true

  • 2010 I became a Professional Certified Coach at the New York Open Center

  • 2011 I attended Landmark Forum

  • 2015 I attended Wisdom 2.0

  • 2015 I left my role as Sr. Partner for the world's largest ad agency

  • 2016 I launched my second successful business

  • 2017-2020 I attended more personal growth events

  • 2018 Got rid of my ‘television’ = 'tell.lie.vision’

  • 2021 I became a Certified Breathwork Detox Facilitator

Life is a journey - not a 'destination.' Clichè but so true.

I believe to live a happy life; we must become aware of and remove disempowering programs that run our subconscious mind. We must replace those programs with empowering beliefs that allow us to live happy fulfilled lives.

You have got to question the narrative you were told and the beliefs you hold.

  • Where did your beliefs come from?

  • Is money good or bad?

  • Do you live in abundance or in a state of lack?

  • Are relationships easy of difficult?

  • Are women/men one way or another?

What did your parents instill in you? What did your friends say to you? Were you popular or did you perceive yourself as barely fitting in growing up?

Realize that ALL those experiences have shaped who you have become today. And unless you take the time and put in the effort to dissect how you became the way you are, you’re destined to repeat the cycles of childhood or teen years throughout the rest of your adult life.

What beliefs do you hold that are either empowering or disempowering you and your life?

When you consider the beliefs you hold - you have to ask yourself:

  1. Where did that belief come from?

  2. Is it true?

  3. How do I know?

  4. What if another belief is more accurate or true for me?

Without self-examination - you are destined to become like the forces that shaped you. That can be both good and not good, depending on your experiences from zero to 18 (and even beyond).

Self-reflection is crucial for personal growth. Unfortunately, it’s common for humans to stay status quo unless a life altering event shakes us into reflection or crisis mode.

I encourage you to look at your life and assess where are things difficult? Wherever you experience challenges and things aren’t easy to either do or achieve - you’ve got blocks or false beliefs blocking you.

Live a life you love - don’t just get by, live on autopilot, or survive what life’s throwing your way.

So where do you want to break free from programming you’ve received from society, family, friends or anywhere else in life?

I encourage you to commit to take the first step if you’re just beginning. If you’re on the path to freedom -- keep going.

Wishing you happiness, joy and abundance.

Until next time,


Be You and Be Free

SPECIAL P.S. I'm hosting a Virtual Online Breathwork Detox event Sat 9/28 at 10am PT / 1pm ET and I'd love you to join me. Check it out here.