What’s Your Story?

Rewrite Your Story to Transform Your Life and Your Work

We all have stories about work experiences, life events, our past, and how we see our future.

From ancient times to present day, storytelling has been a fundamental part of the human experience.

But have you stopped to think about the powerful effect these stories have on our view of ourselves and even on our subconscious mind?

Much of the time, the stories we create are private conversations with ourselves that no one else hears. The question is: are we creating or recreating empowering or disempowering stories?

These narratives shape our perception of the world and our place within it. They act as a lens that we use to interpret our reality.

Our thoughts and the stories we tell ourselves and others about past experiences become deeply ingrained into our identity.

Our stories have the power to either empower us or hold us back.

Every thought you have produces a biochemical reaction in the brain that is matched by a feeling in your body. 

Essentially, when you think happy, inspiring, or positive thoughts, your brain manufactures chemicals that make you feel joyful, inspired, or uplifted.

For example, when you anticipate an experience that is pleasurable, the brain immediately makes a chemical neurotransmitter called dopamine, which triggers anticipation of that experience and feelings of excitement in the brain and body.

If you have angry, or self-deprecating thoughts, the brain also produces chemicals called neuropeptides that the body responds to in a comparable way.

Thinking creates feeling, and then feeling creates thinking in a continuous cycle.

This loop eventually creates a particular state in the body that determines the general nature of how we feel and behave. We call this our ‘state of being.’

The more we think the same thoughts, which then produce the same chemicals, which cause the body to have the same feelings, the more we physically become modified by our thoughts.

The stories we create or recreate are like practicing that experience over and over, etching it into our subconscious mind.

This is why the stories we tell ourselves and others are so important.

What we think about, and the energy or intensity of these thoughts, directly influences our health, the choices we make, and ultimately, the quality of our life.

Here’s how you can take control of your stories and transform them into a superpower that propels you forward in your work, relationships, and the pursuit of your passion or life purpose.

By becoming aware of the stories we tell ourselves and others, we can begin to reshape our thoughts and stories in a way that empowers us to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Reframe Your Past:

Your past experiences, both positive and negative, have played a significant role in shaping who you are today.

Being laid off or experiencing a career setback can be a traumatic event that has an immediate impact on your self-esteem and confidence. However, dwelling on stories of past failures or missed opportunities can keep you stuck in a cycle of negativity and self-doubt.

To break free from this cycle, reframe these stories in a way that serves you and your well-being.

Instead of viewing a layoff or career challenges as defining moments that limit your future, see them as opportunities for growth, learning, and reinvention.

Perhaps being laid off gave you the push you needed to finally pursue your passion for starting your own business, exploring a new career interest, or getting out of a toxic work environment.

By shifting your perspective and focusing on the wisdom and growth you gained, you can transform your past stories into empowerment and motivation.

Crafting Your Present Story:

The stories you tell yourself about your current circumstances have a profound impact on your daily life, especially when it comes to your career and professional identity.

If you find yourself caught in a narrative of limitation, self-doubt, or uncertainty about your future, it can be challenging to find the motivation and energy to make a change or move forward.

The key is to recognize disempowering stories and replace them with new thoughts of strength, possibility, and resilience.  This will allow you to transform your present reality step by step and thought by thought.

Start by focusing on your unique strengths, skills, and the positive aspects of your professional journey.

Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, whether it's a mentor, a mastermind group, or a community of entrepreneurs.

Create a narrative that highlights your potential and what you’re truly passionate about. This can help you envision and empower yourself to create a future you want to step into.

Envision Your Ideal Future:

Your stories about the future hold immense power. They shape your aspirations, expectations and the actions you take in the present.

If the stories about your future are dominated by fear, uncertainty, or limitations - especially after a layoff or while starting a new business, it can be challenging to find the courage and motivation to pursue your dreams.

On the other hand, if you envision a future where you’re thriving, you are more likely to take the steps to make that vision your reality.

To harness the power of your future stories, take the time to create a vivid, detailed narrative of what your ideal future looks like.

Imagine yourself running a successful business, making a meaningful impact in your industry, or finding fulfillment in a new career path.

Visualize yourself as happy, abundant, and successful. Use this story as a compass to guide your daily actions and decisions. Ask yourself, ‘how would my future self respond?’ Or ‘what would my future self do?’

By consistently focusing on this empowering future narrative, you can cultivate the mindset and habits you need to create the future reality you want.

Turn Your Stories into Superpowers:

By consciously shaping your stories, you can transform them into a source of strength, resilience, and inspiration, especially when navigating career challenges or building a new future.

The following are a few powerful ways to harness the power of your stories:

1. Write your story: Put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and write out your personal and professional narrative. Identify the stories that are holding you back or keeping you stuck and rewrite them in a way that empowers and inspires you.

Use this process as an opportunity for self-discovery, healing, and growth.

2. Share your story: Sharing your stories with others can be transformative for you and for those you share them with. When you share your career journey, including your struggles, triumphs, and lessons learned, you create opportunities for deep connection, inspiration, and mutual support.

By being vulnerable and authentic in your storytelling, you can inspire others to embrace their own stories and pursue their professional dreams.

3. Live your story: Ultimately, the most powerful way to harness the power of your life stories is to leverage the lessons and live them out loud. Embrace your unique experiences and use them as a source of motivation, purpose, and direction in your career and entrepreneurial journey.

Let your stories guide you toward a life that is authentic, fulfilling, and true to your deepest values and passions. When you align your actions with your empowering stories, you become a living example of what is possible when we take control of our narratives and use them for good.

Remember, you are the author of your own life story, both personally and professionally. You have the power to shape your narrative in a way that empowers you to build a thriving career or successful business.

By reframing your past, consciously creating your present, and envisioning a future that you want to create - you can transform your stories into a superpower that propels you toward the things you want in life.

For more inspiration to live authentically and do work you love, visit my

You Can Be Free YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/@youcanbefreenow.

Until next week,
